Spacing between words in word 2009
Spacing between words in word 2009

spacing between words in word 2009

But now the spacing has changed, the Normal paragraph has been indented, the font sizes are different, and borders have been added to the headings. The headings are still using Franklin Gothic Book and various oranges, while the Normal text is still using Perpetua (Theme settings). Let’s look at the text when the Style set has been changed to Traditional: Notice that the font size, spacing, and margins (Style attributes) haven’t changed. The headings now use the font Franklin Gothic Book and shades of orange, while the Normal text uses Perpetua (fonts and colors are Theme settings). This is the same text, but the Theme has been changed to Equity: The Normal text uses the Calibri font.īy changing the Theme, we can change the font and color of the applied styles. The headings use the font Cambria and various shades of blue. This text has been typed using the default Style Set and Theme for Word 2007: Or, in other words, the Theme is the list of ingredients and the Style is the recipe. What it boils down to is this: The Theme gives Word 12 colors and 2 fonts to work with and the Style determines exactly how the colors and fonts are used. (Themes are available throughout Microsoft Office 2007 so it is possible to create consistent documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.) Theme effects determine how effects are applied to your charts, SmartArt graphics, shapes, and pictures. Each theme has twelve colors and two fonts. Themes control the overall colors, fonts, and effects that are used in a document. Styles are also necessary for some advanced work in Word, including outlines, tables of contents, and document maps. Styles can be used to quickly and consistently format a document. Styles are a predefined combination of text and paragraph attributes which include font, size and line spacing, as well as indents, alignment, borders and shading. However, Styles and Themes have been designed to work together and have different purposes. At first glance, it may be difficult to see the differences between the two features. Styles have been placed in the middle of the Home tab of the Ribbon and Themes are hard to miss on the Page Layout tab. In Word 2007, Styles and Themes play a much more prominent role.

Spacing between words in word 2009